Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our Privacy policy.
Terms and Conditions
Subscriptions & Purchases
Your subscription starts immediately after your order is processed and will automatically renew at the end of the initial term without notice until you cancel. You are allowed to use Ravengrade for the duration of the agreement, and agree to not use Ravengrade after the expiry of the agreement.
You authorise us to charge any other payment method in your account, if your primary payment method fails. You can edit the payment information in your Ravengrade account any time.
The renewal price is “locked” and valid for as long you stay subscribed.
Subscriptions offer Updates & Support for subscriptions are available for as long your subscription has not expired. Individual products (Perpetual licenses) include one year of updates and support. After the support expiry a re-purchase might be required to gain access to newer versions. The license to use a perpetual license will not expire. If you wish to recieve support after the support period expires you can choose to purchase a new license, which will entitle you for one more year worth of support.
You might have to re-download and re-install to keep your license active, and Ravengrade is not responsible for any liabilities in regarding to this download.Products will be available for download for one year after purchase unless renewed. Ravengrade is not responsible for any liabilities for loss of the files.
One subscription/purchase grants one license to use the agreed upon ravengrade product(s) for the agreed upon duration for one user, unless otherwise specified.
One license is required per user. You agree and understand that your subscription/product/service can be terminated if it’s found out that you violate the license terms. You agree that any costs due to loss of access will be at your own expense and that Ravengrade will not be responsible for any loss of subscription/purchase/service.
Ravengrade Subscribers that have access to courses included in their terms of service at time of purchase will have access to our current library of courses for as long you stay subscribed to. By subscribing you acknowledge that Ravengrade might phase out courses over time, ravengrade will however try to grant access to the courses at request as long as licensing allows.
By purchasing an individual course (i.e. not a subscription) you agree and acknowledge that you will gain access to the course in question for an undetermined amount of time, with a minimum of a year after purchase. If the course is removed and the purchase of the individual course is less than a year ago Ravengrade will grant you access to alternative means to access the course at request though our official support channels.
Our software uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a personalized experience when you browse this site.
You will agree that if you file a dispute though a payment processor (Including but not excluded to credit card companies, banks, paypal) against us that you allow us to temporary disable your access to our services by disabling access to your account and licenses for the duration that the dispute is being processed. Once the dispute is fully processed and the funds (including dispute fees) have been fully released to us you can request reinstatement of your account and licenses. You agree that any costs related to a dispute will be at your own expense and that Ravengrade will not be responsible for any lost subscription time/loss of product access after filing a dispute though a payment processor.
Cancellation & Refund
If you do not wish to auto-renew, you can cancel the automatic payment at any time by sending us an e-mail ( After cancellation, the subscription will continue until the end of the billig period. Since the products are digital items and can’t physically be returned, there are no refunds offered on these products and services. Paypal subscriptions have to get cancelled though your PayPal account
Included coupons are valid for 30 days after the purchase of the product but might be disabled early for any reason or no reason at all. If this happens you can request (Inside the previously mentioned 30 days) a new coupon.